Child support affidavit florida

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Child Support eServices

Are you sure you want to cancel the registration process? We have sent you a link in your email to complete registration. This link will be active for 24 hours. If you do not complete the registration process in the next 24 hours, your information will not be saved.

Child Support eServices

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How do I register for eServices?

Registering for child support eServices is quick and easy! Only 3 steps!

  1. Click on the Register button to get started
  2. Enter your information
  3. Create a username. The username you create will be required every time you login to use eServices. Keep it secure.

Am I eligible to use eServices?

Do you have an open active child support case in Florida?

Are you the parent, alleged father or caregiver of a child?

You are eligible for eServices. Please note: For your security, if you have requested that we limit disclosure of your information to the Federal Case Registry, you will not be able to register for an eServices account until you contact us. This feature is to protect your case information.

You are not eligible to register for eServices, but you may be eligible to apply for child support services if you are not already receiving them. Click the Apply button below to begin. If you are receiving child support services from another state, please contact us.

You are not eligible to register for eServices at this time. If you would like more information on your case, please contact us.

You may be eligible to apply for child support services. Click the Apply button below to begin.

What can I do with eServices?

How do I apply for child support services?

What are the Terms of Use for eServices?

You agree to protect your username and password, and to the best of your knowledge provide true and correct information. By accessing this site you agree to comply with these terms each time you logon, view, add, or change information made available on the site. We reserve the right to take away the access of any user. Unauthorized access to information on this site is a violation of Florida law and may result in criminal prosecution. Fraudulent use of personal identification information concerning another person is a third degree felony under section 817.568, Florida Statutes, punishable by a fine of up to $5000 and up to five years in prison.

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eServices Upcoming Maintenance

eServices maintenance is scheduled for Sunday 4PM ET to Monday 6AM ET.

Current Topics

Current Topics

Pay Your Child Support in Cash at Your Local Walmart
To pay in cash, go to any Walmart MoneyCenter. You will need to provide your depository number and use the biller name: Florida SDU. A fee of $2.00 applies to any amount you pay. Please allow 1-2 business days for processing. Visit for details.

Get Started

Get Started

On this site, you can review your case activity information, search for payment information by date ranges, find local offices, and update your contact information. Have a question? Visit the Help page, or try out the Glossary for definitions of commonly used child support terms. The Child Support Program values your feedback to continue improving our services. Please fill out this short survey to tell us what you think of eServices.