8 Ways to Legally Avoid Probate in Texas

Because there are many ways to avoid probate in Texas, most people have only a few items that need to go through the probate process. Learn about these eight ways you can pass property outside your will, and avoid probate, in Texas.

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Probate avoidance is a common goal in estate planning, and Texas offers several techniques to achieve this. Each technique has its own requirements under Texas law, and some are also subject to federal laws. Let's go through eight standard techniques used to avoid probate and review how it's done in Texas:

(Each of these techniques should be considered in the context of your overall estate plan and may have implications for taxes.)

  1. Set Up Payable-on-Death (POD) Accounts
  2. Name a Beneficiary for Your Retirement Accounts
  3. Name a Beneficiary for Your Stocks and Bonds
  4. Name a Beneficiary for Your Vehicles
  5. Name a Beneficiary for Your Real Estate
  6. Hold Property in Joint Ownership
  7. Create a Living Trust
  8. Special Procedures for Small Estates