With the Maryland Patient Registry open since April 2017, it is important to understand the steps you must take to get your Maryland medical marijuana card. There are no fees associated with simply acquiring a certification; however, there are fees for requesting an ID card. Discussed below is the process to become legally able to purchase medical marijuana in Maryland.
If you have one of the conditions listed above, you may now begin your registration through the Maryland Medical Cannabis Commission (MMCC). This must be done in order for your doctor (provider) to recommend medical cannabis to you. Below is the link to register as a medical marijuana patient.
For patients over the age of 18, simply fill out the online registration and proceed to step 2. There are two guides written by the state for clarification to ensure smooth registration and approval:
For patients under the age of 18, a caregiver must be assigned to their account at all times. A caregiver is a parent or a legal guardian over the age of 21. The caregiver must register them via the link above first, before the patient may be registered to the caregiver. Additionally, the caregiver must perform the following steps in order for the minor to acquire a medical marijuana certification:
Below are two guides are written by the state for clarification to ensure smooth registration and approval:
The third step is getting a written certification from a doctor who is a registered provider in the state’s database. Again, you must register on the above website before the doctor can recommend medical marijuana through Maryland’s registry. Note that this certification will expire if it is not used within 120 days of issue.
Visit Greenwave Maryland medical marijuana dispensary! Websites and apps such as Weedmaps and Leafly can help patients locate dispensaries, as well as check menus and reviews.
Research what strains and products work best for your condition. There are several resources available to consumers regarding the effects and side effects of different strains and products. The budtenders at dispensaries are not just there to sell you products, but help you ascertain which products will work best for you!